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White Rose Tours specialise in full european, weekend and short break UK motorcycle touring holidays.

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White Rose Motorcycle Tours
+44 (0) 7510 351 332


Jul 07

2024.....so far

  • Created: 07 Jul 2024

New season, new experiences.....

Oct 02

A new Era

  • Created: 02 Oct 2023

2023 saw us complete our last tour handing over ownership to Chris and Sharan McIntyre.

Nov 09

2022 Tour season now complete

  • Created: 09 Nov 2022

Well I am pleased to say that 2022 saw us complete a full season of tours.

Oct 28

2022 Tour Season

  • Created: 28 Oct 2021

Well ahead of schedule this year - but lets face it we have hardly been snowed under as yet another year slips by with Corona virus ruling our lives.

May 10

Loading 2021 maps to Garmin 660

  • Created: 10 May 2021

Garmin have been up to there old tricks and effectively trying to make older models useless despite saying that the units are LM or lifetime mapping. They have effectively increased the map details to such a point that when you try and load it, the 660 says you have insufficient memory. It does allow you to download areas of Europe, but these are only small, so say you pick France , you cant get Germany or any other country etc etc. not much use if you are taking a trip across Europe. We are not experts so if anyone has a better fix then please let us know, but this is what Michel L'Hours has come up with. Note: I also have a 590 and the maps went straight in no problem.

Nov 12

2021 Tour Season

  • Created: 12 Nov 2020

Well what a year 2020 was, or rather was not, as we were unable to do a single tour this year. Lets hope for better in 2021.

Sep 13

Poland 2019

  • Created: 13 Sep 2019

The Poland tour was new to us and was very much billed as a historic tour more than one with great roads and scenery.

Aug 30

Killarney & SW Ireland 2019

  • Created: 30 Aug 2019

Many thanks to Alison for her blog on their tour to Ireland, here is what she has to say.

Aug 26

Grand Alps 2019

  • Created: 26 Aug 2019

The Grand Alps tour was the opportunity to visit somewhere that we had done a recon on many years ago, and we were not disappointed.

Jul 11

Tour of Spain 2019

  • Created: 11 Jul 2019

Having never ridden as far south as AndalucĂ­a previously this is one tour I was really looking forward to.

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