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White Rose Tours specialise in full european, weekend and short break UK motorcycle touring holidays.

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White Rose Motorcycle Tours
+44 (0) 7510 351 332


Oct 05

Where did September go?

  • Created: 05 Oct 2013

Well not sure where September went, but it was a busy month with two of our largest tours back to back. The first was to Croatia and Slovenia, a new area to us, but after going out there last October, knew it was somewhere everybody would enjoy.

Aug 29

Bank Holiday

  • Created: 29 Aug 2013

The Bank Holiday saw us in Germany for our Rhineland tour, despite a promising forecast it proved to be a little disappointing weather wise. However, whatever the weather the Rhine and Mosel valley's always work their charm and the combination of roads, and Fairy Tale scenery never cease to please. It was good to return to old haunts, especially the Cochem Wine festival and its fantastic firework display.

Aug 02

Austria and Switzerland

  • Created: 02 Aug 2013

Now is when I should be reporting on how much I enjoyed the Austria and Switzerland tour, and I am sure I would have done had I made it - but I didn't - because I lost my passport on the way to the Hull ferry…

Jul 10

Volcanoes and Gorges

  • Created: 10 Jul 2013

Just back from the Volcanoes and Gorges tour which was enjoyable as ever. It really is one of my favourite parts of the world and I never tire of going there. We enjoyed some really great weather, with just one wet day which tried to spoil our trip through the Tarn Gorges.

Jun 22

May 2013

  • Created: 22 Jun 2013

Highland of Scotland and the Tuscany & Lake Garda Tours - both completely different but enjoyed by everyone

May 29


  • Created: 29 May 2013

NW200 & Donegal, Lochs and Lakes Tours our first two tours of the year

Dec 31

Pre-2013 News

  • Created: 31 Dec 2012

We have archived all our old news, for those that would like to read it.

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